Sep 28, 2008

Australian TV personalities - hate them

The whole team at Sunrise
I cant even start on the problems I have with this lot, the jokes are not funny guys so give up, oh and I would rather eat vomit than watch you lot.

Tim Bailey from Ten News
What a F###head
how far up his own arse is he and whats with his leather face & hair?
Oh do me a favour and goggle "Tim Bailey weatherman" some on the hate stuff on him in the forums are hilarious

Tara Brown from 60 mins
Is her stories getting shittier every week or am I just getting more pissed off with her pathetic half arsed stories that dont make sense and makes fools of her and the people she interviews.

Cameron Williams from the Today Show
So called sports news presenter / alleged female indecent assaulter is the most annoying piece of crap on Tv. I love the today show but he makes me cringe when I have to watch him sleaze on the female co-hosts Lisa & Georgie
Look at his eyes in this photo, he always looks creepy, I want to slap him

Lucky last is of course Rove, I have to ask how funny would his show be without fellow comedians making it funny for him. Could you imagine a whole show of his monologues he uses at the start of his show with no-one to back him up, would be off air within weeks, all I have to say is Rove is Shit!! & NOT funny