Sep 30, 2008

Generators - lurve them

Check out this fun generator blog
which list a huge range of cool generators to play with

Above is a Monster Name generator, get your name Monsterized with great vintage monster pics in each letter

My favourite one was
Here is how it said I would die

"As the unfortunate target of a serial killer, you're beaten and tortured for days. While you're still alive, your body is put into a meat grinder and ground up.

Haha funny stuff

I also like this I Heart Tshirt generator

Sep 28, 2008

Australian TV personalities - hate them

The whole team at Sunrise
I cant even start on the problems I have with this lot, the jokes are not funny guys so give up, oh and I would rather eat vomit than watch you lot.

Tim Bailey from Ten News
What a F###head
how far up his own arse is he and whats with his leather face & hair?
Oh do me a favour and goggle "Tim Bailey weatherman" some on the hate stuff on him in the forums are hilarious

Tara Brown from 60 mins
Is her stories getting shittier every week or am I just getting more pissed off with her pathetic half arsed stories that dont make sense and makes fools of her and the people she interviews.

Cameron Williams from the Today Show
So called sports news presenter / alleged female indecent assaulter is the most annoying piece of crap on Tv. I love the today show but he makes me cringe when I have to watch him sleaze on the female co-hosts Lisa & Georgie
Look at his eyes in this photo, he always looks creepy, I want to slap him

Lucky last is of course Rove, I have to ask how funny would his show be without fellow comedians making it funny for him. Could you imagine a whole show of his monologues he uses at the start of his show with no-one to back him up, would be off air within weeks, all I have to say is Rove is Shit!! & NOT funny

Sep 26, 2008

AlboPUNK Art - Lurve it

Love this artist AlboPUNK on Deviantart, does some great creative work

Sep 24, 2008

Horror Necklace - Lurve it

One on my favourite jewellery shops has just put out a unreal horror necklace that you can get personalised with any name or word you want on it, I've already order one. I wont tell you which word I picked, you will have to wait and I'll post a pick in a few days, they are pretty fast with there post so I cant wait, I definitely will be wearing mine for Halloween
You can buy one here

Dont forget to look at the other fabulous things they have as everything is amazing. I wear my lighting bolt earrings (I have 3 colours I might add) all the time

Sep 23, 2008

Easy Rockabilly hairstyle - Lurve it

Found this quick tutorial on how to do fake victory rolls with your hair in 3 mins!!!! wow take a look

you can also find other how to's at

Sep 22, 2008

Leopard Eye Makeup - Lurve it

While looking 4 some makeup styles, came across this make-up artist
Jocelyne Valencia
on myspace who does delicious work, I absolutely lurve the leopard effect

Sep 21, 2008

What the craft? - lurve it

tut on sewing leave on recon tshirt
I found this fab site while looking for a pattern for a bag, ok I didnt find the pattern but I did find this site which has some easy tutorials for your crafting and sewing
Lots of easy tips and info on alternative crafting and basic sewing tips for beginners.

So what are you waiting for, get crafting

Sep 20, 2008

encyclopedia dramatica - Lurve it

Here is a funny exert describing Emo's I found on

"Emo is a music fashion dumbass movement which requires followers to apply heavy eye-liner, wear overly tight jeans, enjoy large cock (not that they ever get any), dye their hair black (don't forget to skip the shower) and grow a long fringe to help warp their vision of the world. This warped fringe vision causes the wearer to insult people who are fucking depressed IRL by making a fad of feigning their own dire depression. Emo music consists of insane amounts of moaning about how great it is to wear the above mentioned eye-liner / vision of the world warping fringe / black hair / tight jeans but how terrible it is that hawt emo girl X doesn't want to fuck you. Some emo songs deviate slightly, encouraging male listeners to "Ahhh, c'mon, FUCK A GUY!" Conclusive scientific evidence suggests that emos are more hated than black people, Jews, pig fuckers and your mom combined. All emos, without exception, belong to the Emocrat Party. They all suffer from severe narcissism, leading them to believe that they alone know what pain is, and that no one understands them. They all believe that their affliction could not be worse, that their life in their quiet suburban house house with their own television and computer in their room is the worst in the world. Emo is a "self-fulfilling prophecy". The more you bitch about no one liking you, the more no one will like you. Emos have no ability to look at the world around them objectively, an ability probably hindered by their retarded hair. If they would, they'd realize that being middle class and white ain't so bad."

You can read the full entry here

Sep 18, 2008

Cherry Dollface - Lurve her

pin-up model cherry dollface
I absolutely adore this beautiful pin-up model Cherry Dollface. She takes amazing photos and always looks super hot!!!!

You can visit her site here

Sep 17, 2008

Scrabble Jewellery - Hate it

scrabble jewellery
I love unique jewellery pieces and buy fun pieces of fellow crafters and so on, but enough already with the damn scrabble jewellery. I not talking about any seller in particular, just all the bloody ones who buy scrabble pieces in bulk, stick them on a damn blank finding and then charge a crazy amount of $$ for crap. Well that's my opinion anyway :P

You can find alot of scrabble crap here

Sep 16, 2008

Dexter - Lurve it

Ok very excited the 3rd season of Dexter will hit U.S tv at the end of the month, so we hopefully should be able to see a sneak preview and eventually buy the DVD here in oz YAH

Dexter official site

Sep 13, 2008

Tattoo Bikini - Lurve it

It was so damn hot today I thought i should start looking for a new bikini before summer hits and found this HOT cossie by EdHardy

Sep 10, 2008

Leopard Dress - Lurve it

I found while browsing the net, this gorgeous pink leopard dress by Sourpuss

Definitely on my must have list

Sep 9, 2008

Britney at MTV music awards - Hate it

MTV Video Music Awards 2008

The so called pop queen Britney Spears has blitzed the MTV Video Music Awards, winning three awards on the show even after last years shocking performance.

All I have to say is WHY and WTF

Sep 3, 2008

Pizza Hut - Hate it

Im not a big fan of junk food but occasionally may grab some.
Anyhoo I had people over and decided to grab some pizza, I went online to see what they had and decided to ring up with the order as I needed to get a different sauce etc. So after ordering on the phone, the employee telling me the price of $26, I got in the car drove to the teller, then drove to the restaurant to pick it up, lined up for 10 minutes and finally got served.

The chick behind the counter decides to inform me because I never had a "discount coupon" I had to pay $39 for the 3 damn pizzas. After informing her and the manager that I never stated on the phone that I had a coupon and loudly informed the whole busy waiting area what I thought of Pizza Huts service, I regrettably paid as I had hungry people to feed and went home.

Now all I have to say without swearing is the pizza was cold and tasteless, made myself and 2 other people sick the next day and I will NEVER buy from Pizza Hut again. I will now support my local pizza shop who never disappoints

Sep 2, 2008

Dating 2008 style - Lurve it

Is everyone loving the new channel Ten Dating show Taken Out as much as me. Ok I should tell you I love reality TV but also have a soft soft for Kerley the Host, so put the 2 together and Im hooked.

To describe the show its a bit like putting a man on the hot spot and getting humiliated by 30 women who critasize everything about him, from his tight jeans to his teeth. You name it the poor guy gets it. The girls get to choose each round whether they are still interested in him, if not they turn their light out, in the end a few ladies who remain get to be chosen by the guy who he would like to take out on a date.

Crappy concept you may think, but very entertaining,
hopefully the viewers like it so Ten dont axe it.

To watch it tune in to Ten at 7pm

Sep 1, 2008

Spring - Hate it

Spring is here and guess what so is my hay fever. I don't mean just some sniffles and itchy eyes, I mean the full deal. Sneezing, snotty nose, watering eyes, headache, you name it I have it.

So thanks Spring for making my day dreadful.

But on the flip side I decided because I need to grab a tissue every 2 minutes I should get myself a cool box to store them in.

I came across this cute tissue box on etsy by liltinpurse
All Liltinpurse's designs are made from scratch and are super unique and utterly cool. They use retro pictures within their designs and I love their little phrase at the end of the purse listings

" WARNING--Carrying a Lil Tin Purse will draw much attention!! "